Voilà the rules to participate:
- Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to his/her blog
- Post the award button on your blog
- Pass the award onto 15 recently discovered blogs and let the bloggers know they have been nominated
- Share 7 things about yourself
- Bunny Mummy
- Crochet with Raymond
- Gillyflower
- Greedy For Colour
- Helen Philipps
- Le monde de Sucrette
- Little Woollie
- Natalia Glazacheva
- Nice Day At Rosies
- Sixty One A
- Tangled Happy
- Teawagon Tales
- The Garden Bell
- The Quiet Home
- The Yvestown Blog
And now 7 things about me:
- When I have to write something about me, I never know what to write.
- I love when in March we (Dvd and I) go away to spent some days in a foreign country, far from work and study, this March we will go to Tallinn.
- When I was a child sometimes during the night I asked my father to bring me a glass of water and he brought it to me imediately. Now when I come back home, sometimes during the night I ask my father to bring me a glass of water, and even if I'm not a child anymore and I think he should say to me "hop hop! you can take it with your hands!", he brought me a glass of water imediately. Lovely Daddy.
- When I met Dvd four years ago, I lived with other 3 girls that I met to the University and we were all friends. When Dvd went to our house, and I was in the kitchen with the other girls or maybe to the toilet, sometimes he put under my pillow a vintage postcard where he wrote Pablo Neruda's love poetry. When I went to bed..ta-dah! surprise!
- I can remember all the things I heard and watch in a movie that I saw years and years ago, but I have difficulty to remember things I have to study for my exams.
- Since I was 16 or 17 I was so shy that I wasn't able to walk head-high (?) .
- I'm proud of me because once I thought I would never be able to do nothing, for example cooking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and I discover I can do all this things and also other more (eheh..self-esteem where were you??)