giovedì 23 febbraio 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

Natalia Glazacheva choose me for the Versatile Blogger Award, my first award! Grazie mille Natalia!
Voilà the rules to participate:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to his/her blog 
  2. Post the award button on your blog 
  3. Pass the award onto 15 recently discovered blogs and let the bloggers know they have been nominated
  4. Share 7 things about yourself 
I recently discovered these blogs:

  1. Bunny Mummy
  2. Crochet with Raymond
  3. Gillyflower 
  4. Greedy For Colour
  5. Helen Philipps
  6. Le monde de Sucrette
  7. Little Woollie 
  8. Natalia Glazacheva
  9. Nice Day At Rosies 
  10. Sixty One A 
  11. Tangled Happy
  12. Teawagon Tales 
  13. The Garden Bell
  14. The Quiet Home 
  15. The Yvestown Blog

And now 7 things about me:

  1. When I have to write something about me, I never know what to write. 
  2. I love when in March we (Dvd and I) go away to spent some days in a foreign country, far from work and study, this March we will go to Tallinn. 
  3. When I was a child sometimes during the night I asked my father to bring me a glass of water and he brought it to me imediately. Now when I come back home, sometimes during the night I ask my father to bring me a glass of water, and even if I'm not a child anymore and I think he should say to me "hop hop! you can take it with your hands!", he brought me a glass of water  imediately. Lovely Daddy. 
  4. When I met Dvd four years ago, I lived with other 3 girls that I met to the University and we were all friends. When Dvd went to our house, and I was in the kitchen with the other girls or maybe to the toilet, sometimes he put under my pillow a vintage postcard where he wrote Pablo Neruda's love poetry. When I went to bed..ta-dah! surprise! 
  5. I can remember all the things I heard and watch in a movie that I saw years and years ago, but I have difficulty to remember things I have to study for my exams.
  6. Since I was 16 or 17 I was so shy that I wasn't able to walk head-high (?) . 
  7. I'm proud of me because once I thought I would never be able to do nothing, for example cooking, sewing, knitting, crocheting, and I discover I can do all this things and also other more (eheh..self-esteem where were you??) 

6 commenti:

  1. Hi Amelita, congratulations on your Award!!!
    And thank you so much for passing it to me, I shall be happy to accept.

    It was fun reading the 7 things about you!

    Look forward to exploring your blog!

    Gill xx

  2. Amelita, how very kind of you to think of me! I don't take part in awards, but thank you so much for nominating me. Hugs, xxx :)

  3. Congratulations for your award Amelita and thank you so much for passing it to me and my blog :) I am honored :)
    Big kisses!

  4. Ciao, Amelita! Grazie mille anche a te! I didn`t know that it`s possible to accept the same award twice, but now I know that :o) Grazie ancora, Cara! Volientieri! I`m so happy XD
    P.S. And what a beautiful story about a postcard :o) I`d like to meet you so much. Pecato, che siamo lontane :o)
    Take care
    Tanti baci

  5. Congratulations :) and thankyou for thinking of me, I am very happy to accept :) :)
    have a lovely weekend x x x x x

  6. Congrats on your award! Thanks so much for including Tangled Happy. That was so nice! I loved reading your seven things. Sounds like you have a very sweet love story. Wishing you a happy weekend Amelita! :)
